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Nationally, throughout the hobby, clubs offer a Free Search & Recover Service to the public, industry, local authorities, and public utilities. Recently in the Northwest, we have had one hundred and forty seven confirmed requests to search for lost items, with one hundred and twenty two positive results. A success rate of over 82%. By far, the majority of searches involved the recovery of rings and other items of personal jewellery. Seventy-one objects of gold and precious stones have been returned to their grateful owners. Other items on the successful recovery list include:- Personal effects of passengers and crew of fatal helicopter crash. Agricultural machinery parts shed during use in ploughed fields. Keys to a mediaeval church, lost in the grounds. Overgrown manhole covers on a public park for a local council. Piece of metal in cow's stomach... for local farmer and vet! Thirty-two kilos of rubbish and a tractor chain from a farm field. The location of nails in bulk timber for a furniture manufacturer.

Metal detecting clubs frequently assist in environmental projects..... Clearing water areas frequented by swans and other wildlife of lead weights, fish hooks and discarded line. Removing dangers like metal drinks cans, shredded by grass-cutting equipment, from public parks and other recreation areas. Carrying out "Beach Clean" projects, thus contributing to the health and safety of all who use them. Removing all the casual rubbish recovered during metal detecting wherever the site may be.


Ever mindful of their own good fortune in having both the health and the opportunity to take part in an interesting and energetic outdoor pursuit, metal detecting clubs invariably support national and local charities. Here in the Northwest the latest figure to hand totals, £31,320 made in donations by our clubs. Fifty three national and local charities have received support including:-

The Spinal Unit Action Group

The Spastics Association

Multiple Sclerosis Society

Rett Syndrome Association


Save the Children

RESCUE - for the Brain Damaged Infant

A large variety of local hospices and appeals. Many charity organisations contribute to their own success by negotiating sites on which to hold fund-raising metal detecting rallies from amongst their land-owning supporters. Clubs in the Northwest have also contributed to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution, known as "The Farmer’s Own Charity", in recognition of the generosity shown in the provision of sites.


Individual clubs, and individual club members, are always prepared to attend functions with portable displays of their finds and to talk on their activities in the field. Such displays are usually accompanied by metal-detecting equipment, photographs, and a wide array of hobby related literature. In the recent past, clubs in the Northwest have put on a total of forty-three public displays and exhibitions. The public to whom they have been addressed has included:- Local History Societies, Schools, Rotary Clubs, Round Table Groups, Various Church Groups, Fete and Open Days, Town and County Fairs, Joint Hobby Exhibitions and Coin Clubs. Always conscious of their responsibilities to our national heritage, metal detector users are urged to share the knowledge they gain in the field with local and national archaeological and museum services. The Northwest Region has, for fifteen years, staged an Annual one day Public Exhibition of Metal Detecting Finds. The venue has varied from year to year but has included:- The Town Hall, Chester, The Winter Gardens, Blackpool and The Guildhall, Preston. In order to be able to stage such exhibitions, the metal detector user has to be skilled in many areas in addition to the technology of the equipment: Site Research, identification and classification of finds, preservation/conservation and top quality display techniques...... all to professional standards. Metal Detecting is a legitimate, knowledgeable and responsible family pastime which contributes to our heritage and quality of life.